Winter snow storms bring many feathered visitors looking for free handouts today. Can you blame them? With the recent welcomed snow and moisture, birds take advantage of available offerings.
Living anywhere else could certainly be enjoyable. But without Northern Cardinals around, it would feel like something is missing! Here, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and House Finches join the feast. |
Geese love the "waste" seed left in milo fields to help get through the hard times. Here, Snow Geese, White-fronted Geese and Canada Geese join forces. |
Even a big tom turkey comes by for easy pickings. A cardinal was caught in this shot flying in for same. |
And in completing the feeding frenzy, our semi-tame Greater Roadrunner, Gerry, gets his portion of meat. These little carnivores occasionally may catch a bird near the seed/suet feeders but generally are looking for winter mice as well as our human handouts of deerburger to get through the tough times. |
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