Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mulberry Ghosts

Photo by Andi Brunson-Williams
Whose woods these are I think I know,
he lives just south a mile or so;
he’ll not be aware we’re stopping here,
to see these spooky ghosts appear.

Perhaps they saw us passing by,
and could not resist a glaring eye;
with somewhat a suspicious stare,
are we of inimical business there?

This stately stand of mulberry trees,
spent many years in making leaves;
and bearing tasty fruits for feasts,
by hungry furred and feathered beasts.

The resident of this riparian lot,
once sat concealed among the copse;
observing well all those who passed,
finally taking one nice buck at last.

These trees have watched geese V’s above,
and provided perch for loving doves;
in summer offering welcome shade,
to songbirds, mice and grateful quail.

Towards end of life, large limbs do yield,
to thankful sawyer with sharpened steel;
reducing some of mulberry grove
to desired lengths for home wood stove.

Do the spirits of these arborous brutes,
now inquire of guests now walking through;
and taunt with their auspicious stare,
these humans now trespassing there?

These simple woods are dark and deep,
they give us pause before we sleep;
with wonderful treasures they bestow,

we thank them through our shadows now.
by Ken Brunson with apologies to Robert Frost


  1. In North America, the white mulberry, morus alba, (native to China) is one of very few trees that produces berries that are desirable for human consumption. Online Plant Nursery

  2. Yes, the black and white mulberries are so scrumptious. In this particular stand, there are both. Yay for mulberries!
